Our services.
30 minutes - $70
15 edited pictures. Perfect for immediate family, engagement, children, etc.
1 hour - $120
25 edited pictures. Perfect for immediate family, seniors, maternity, engagement, children, etc.
Extended Family - $150
35 edited pictures. Up to 10 people. 1 hour session. Perfect for grandparents, parents, children, siblings, and cousins. If more than 10, there will be an additional $10 fee per person.
"Studio" 1 year cake smash - $180
20 edited pictures. 45 minute session. One outfit change. You may bring any special decorations you want. Simple decorations and cake will be provided by me.
Let's celebrate this huge milestone!
Lifestyle Newborn - $200
40 edited pictures. 1 hour session. These will be done in the comfort of your own home.
Congratulations on your bundle of joy!!
"Studio" Headshots/ Branding - $220
35 edited pictures. 1 hour session. Bring anything with your name or business name on it. Avoid wearing neon/bright colors, as that can cause a color shadow on your face.